The first thing is to remove the engine cover, which is normally screwed or held by tabs.
Like most of the elements that are threaded in the cylinder head, it is necessary to treat them with extreme delicacy. In Amazon you can enter your car so that it tells you which ones are compatible. Of course, you will have to have new ones glow plugs suitable for your model. It is convenient to pay attention since the motor usually has some indentation or notch to be able to insert the key and unscrew them without problems. They usually go located in the butt very close to the injectors and they are easily located thanks to the electrical connection they have on their heads. It depends a lot on the car model and the type of motor what a mount Normally they do not have more than a thread to the motor and an electrical connection, but the difficulty lies in more or less easily accessible them through the engine compartment. As with many auto mechanic jobs, replacing diesel glow plugs can be easy task or hell.